Available in AP Edition. SN #1 Available!
“In this artwork, a woman with a decorated face adorns a lush bouquet of roses honoring the generational tradition. She appears with a stoic countenance, looking directly at the viewer. Her eyes follow you as she stands stern and is elegantly draped. The lace and necklace form a soft mesh cascading her body. The colors are rich and lurid, reminiscent of the day’s celebration. This vibrant imagery is transcendental. There is something intrinsic that acknowledges the dichotomy of those who are living and those who have passed onto the other side.
The accompanying hummingbird in mid-flight intercedes the moment. In Mexican culture, it symbolizes a great warrior and pays homage to the Sun Deity, Huitzilopochtli. With its bejeweled chest and muted wingspan, the hummingbird depicts the lingering notion of strength and enlightenment. It seems conscious of its task as it hovers and peers right back to the viewer”
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